Press and hold means to press and hold a key for 2–3 seconds
(depending on the feature you are using); then release the key.
Highlighted options on the screen are enclosed within a dark bar. The
selection keys are used to act on the highlighted option.
Scroll keys are used to move up and down in the menus. For example,
if instructed to scroll to another phone book entry, this means press
the Scroll up key or the Scroll down key. In some submenus, not all
options are visible at once, and you may need to scroll up or down to
view the full range of options.
Select means to press the Left selection key or the Right selection
key. To select an option, press the selection key below the menu item
on the phone screen. Some functions require you to go through several
submenus. For example, if this guide says Select Phone settings >
Screen saver > Timeout, you would scroll to the Phone settings
option and press the Left selection key; then scroll to the Screen
saver option and press the Left selection key; then scroll to the
Timeout option and press the Left selection key.
Talk and End keys. Press the Talk key to place a call or to answer an
incoming call. Press the End key to end a call or press and hold to return
to the start screen.
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Welcome to Nokia
Text clues
Text clues make instructions easy to follow.
Bold indicates one of the following items:
A word or phrase on the display
Special text such as Notes and Warnings
Names of keys such as Right selection key
Bold and blue
indicates one of the following items:
The word is an address on the World Wide Web.
A definition for the word or phrase is listed in the glossary.
Italic characters are used for emphasis or to indicate a variable.
Graphic clues
Icons appear throughout this guide to alert you of important information
or to provide useful tips.
Tip: Indicates a shortcut or alternate method of doing something.
Note: Explains a feature or points out an important concept.
Warning: Helps you avoid information loss, personal injury,
damage to the phone, or property damage.
From time to time, this guide is updated to reflect changes. The latest
version may be available at the U.S. Mobile Phone products section of
Also, an interactive version of this guide may be available at
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If you need help, Nokia Customer
Care is available for assistance.
Before calling, however, please read
“Frequently asked questions (FAQ)”
on page 131.
We also recommend that you write
down the following information on
the inside cover of this guide and have
it available if you call. The information
can be found on your phone label,
which is on back of the phone,
beneath the battery.
The International mobile equipment identity (IMEI)
The electronic serial number (ESN)
We also ask that you write down your zip code.
Please have your phone or enhancement with you when contacting the
numbers below.
Nokia Customer Care Center, USA
Customer Care Center, Canada
Nokia, Inc.
7725 Woodland Center Boulevard
Suite #150
Tampa, Florida 33614
Tel: 1-888-NOKIA-2U
Fax: 1-813-249-9619
TTY/TDD Users Only:
Nokia Products Ltd.